Your fingerprints reveal your Soul's Agenda,
your reasons for being here and the archetypes active in your Life!
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Your fingerprints reveal your Soul's Agenda,
your reasons for being here and the archetypes active in your Life!
We are Souls having a Human experience. Contrary to what you may have been told you do not have to get it "right". Still the more in alignment you are with your Life Purpose and your Life Lesson the more satisfying your time here will feel!
Thank you so much for checking out our site. We have so much to share with you.
This site will be primarily about SoulPrint Seminars; what they are, how to set up a private one in your home, attending an online version or scheduling a private reading for yourself.
Training/class information coming soon!
Unlike anything you've done before!
Soul level information encoded in your fingerprints reveals your reasons for coming this time around. Deep insights into what makes you tick and how to get the most out of this life
Each person attending an in person SoulPrint Seminar receives potentially life changing concepts and content during the Seminar and the Host (You) receives a full reading free of charge for setting up the event.
Delight in this fun and informative evening with Todd Zimmerman, Hand Analyst, Shamanic practitioner and Soul/Life Coach as he shares a unique perspective on what it means to be human.
It has been said that all souls share the same intention; to evolve. How we go about evolving is our Soul’s individual agenda, a path to awakening and to fulfillment at the deepest level. Come and discover or perhaps be reminded of choices you made long ago.
Significant elements of your soul’s journey are revealed by your fingerprints which form five months prior to birth and never change. Aligning with this information can add meaning, clarity and power to your path.
We will also look for giftedness, talents and your fundamental nature by looking at the hand shape, lines on the palmar surface, and symbols found on both hands and how they influence your Soul’s Agenda.
This special engagement is designed to support 8 to 12 people in a relaxed, home setting or a location the Host sets up. After introductions, a short discussion and a question and answer period each participant receives a reading of approximately 10 minutes.
A sacred circle is formed and privacy agreements are made before the readings start. All participants stay the entire time. After the last reading people are free to go and or remaining questions are answered (if there are any) and the event is brought to a close.
The Host is responsible for gathering the group of folks attending. Minimum is 8 maximum is 12 and the Host receives a free 90 minute reading that we set up sometime shortly after the SoulPrint Seminar has been successfully conducted.
Reading taking place durning a SoulPrints Seminar!
"Love to have you come and talk with my creative process circles at my studio in Santa Cruz!"
"I've enjoyed your insights, and look forward to listening to the recordings."
Howard - San Jose
"Dear Todd, It was wonderful to meet you .. but am greedy and looking for more time with you .. can we set up a SoulPrint Seminar in June in SF?"
"Awesome! She's gonna be stoked to get a reading from you!"
"I was quite touched by what you revealed to me. I have been on a spiritual path for awhile now, and I found the information very useful."
Linda - Los Gatos
"My friends and husband all had a great response to our event last week. They really enjoyed hearing what you had to say. And it’s so fun to see the heads nodding in agreement as you share what you see about the people for whom you’re doing the reading. So, overall a great success and was great to see you."
Jane - Sunnyvale
"Having you do the Hand Analysis, Soul-Purpose reading for me was one of the most special things I've ever experienced. I'd love to give my husband a reading for an anniversary gift in April."
Susan - Grassvalley
"Hi I had the privilege of having my hand read by you at Yalonda's SoulPrint Seminar. I need to consult an expert for a longer reading for what's next in my life and I'm guessing that is you."
"Thank you for coming to my place on March 13 in Half Moon Bay. The group loved our experience. I know there are several people wanting full readings and Courtney is planning a party."
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